Monday 4 December 2023

I Miss Seeing Natural Faces And Why Not Seeing Them Is Dangerous To Society


I'm back! Sorry I've been gone for such a long time however 2023 hasn't been a great year, not awful by any means, but not good either. Unfortunately due to this my blog has had to take a back seat however now my inspiration is slowly coming back thank goodness!

I've been meaning to write a post about this topic for a long time now however I never had the words to describe how I felt about the subject before. As the title suggests my post today is going to be about how I miss people, both everyday and celebrities with their natural, god given faces! Now when I talk about this I have to comment that I have absolutely no problem with people getting botox when lines start to appear or the odd filler here and there to fill in the face where volume decreases e.g the lips and most likely the cheek area however since 2016 I have noticed a huge increase in the amount of these procedures being done and the reason it bothers me so much is because the people who are getting them done don't even need any of these procedures yet because quite frankly they are too young! 

In the late 90s, 00s and even the early 2010s the average age of people, both women and men getting injectables and plastic surgery were at their youngest around early 30s and on the higher end they would be in their late 40s. However since the mid 2010s this has changed dramatically as young people who have grown up watching reality shows such as Keeping Up With The Kardashians (or now just The Kardashians) have watched all the sisters who at the time were in their 20s getting fillers, butt implants and boob jobs has made the younger generation of today literally scared of their real face and bodies. These young people who are at the end of Gen Y and the beginning of Gen Z are constantly finding ways to change their natural looks, whether in real life due to fillers and botox or via apps like Faceapp by changing their face to make them look like a completely different person, which in my opinion is very scary. These young people are even going into plastic surgery clinics showing pictures of their filtered selves to ask the doctors to make them look like their alternate self and most good doctors would not agree to do this however of course there are some who would still perform the surgery as they care more about the money than the patient's physical and mental health.

Back to the point as to why I think seeing the decline of natural faces is dangerous is because people in their early 30s and younger have grown up hardly seeing any natural faces that they now think that filled, plastic surgery faces are actually normal and this terrifies me! This perception affects people in so many ways including who they choose to be friends with, young men tend to be more attracted to women who have had work done than those like myself who are completely natural (I unfortunately have experience of this) which is sad as it leaves people who in my opinion are naturally pretty on the shelf because they haven't succumbed to the pressure to change their faces. Also it may even affect who bosses decide to hire in job interviews as they might decided to choose the person who's face looks better on Teams and Zoom rather than decide based on their qualifications and work experience. With the introduction of AI, I'm not sure how this is going to get better in regards to how people perceive the way they look. On a brighter note there are some examples of people in the public eye who have decided to remove their fillers which is a good start, the person I remember doing this is Molly Mae which is a great sign as she's now a successful business woman, so maybe this will prove to people that you don't need to mess your face up to gain success in life. I just hope that more people will follow Molly's way in thinking as it would be amazing to see the faces that people were actually born with as supposed to the faces they created out of wanting perfection which doesn't even exists anyway and the sooner people know that to the be true, the better as it will create a healthier society for people to exist in.

Thanks for reading

Chantal x


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